Friday, August 07, 2009

I sit here amazed still.

On August 9, 2003 I married the love of my life. I have always known he was the love of my life but due to life experience and host of bad relationships on the day I was married I hoped and prayed he felt the same. Today, I sit here amazed. I have come to my own understanding that God created this man just for me. Anyone who knows me knows I am not easy to live with. I have interesting quirks that result in high expectations of myself, my partner and my children. God provided my husband with just enough patience to live with and love me.

I look forward to the dawn when I awake and find him here. I am anxious for the workday to end to get home to find him here still. When we lay down at night I am sure to thank my higher power that there next to me lies the man that teaches me daily about unconditional love. He continues to respect me, love me, honor me and empower me to be the best woman I can be. He supports me in achieving my dreams and my goals and allows me to pursue those things as fast or as slow as I’d like.

6 years into this journey called marriage I am grateful I didn’t let doubt or fear keep me from taking that step down the aisle. My husband has proved to be much more than I ever dreamed. He is an amazing father to my children, a great supporter of their dreams as well. He is active and involved and often isn’t given the credit he deserves. The quality of life, family and love we share is far greater than I ever thought I deserved. For this, on this day I want to thank you Sean. I continue to be deeply and madly in love with you. Thank you for loving me and ensuring that I feel cherished each and every day.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

I'm back.....

It has been quite sometime since I chose to post on my blog. The reason behind it would have to do with the last post. I did change careers and have found fulfillment in the change. I once had the time to create a post that for me was written well, with passion and confidence. When I decided to come back to blogging I read through each post to determine where it was I left off. I found that I had written some great posts regarding my family and brought back memories and emotions. It is those emotions that are drawing me back. I hope one day to have this tool as a catalog of my journey.

I read about my daughter beginning her journey in high school. I had no idea at the time how that would turn out. She is preparing to begin her senior year. She has been a representative of her school through cheer for two years. Over the course of this time she has made some great choices and some not so great choices. She has wandered her way through the teenage years challenging the direction of her parents yet somehow coming into her own. To the looks of it she is a woman but when I look past the surface I still see my baby. I wonder today if it will always be that way as a mother? Knowing your child is grown yet still seeing your child as unsure. Still knowing that this person is growing and maturing each day and isn't quite sure but wants to be. I love her so much my heart aches. As much as I know she will always be in my life this is still the end of something for me as a mother.

My son is beginning the journey through his education this year with kindergarten. He has grown and changed so much. He has a strength that far surpasses that of his sister at this age. I believe this strength comes from him having confidence that life will remain the same. He has the love and support of two parents and has not had to face the same challenges that my daughter did. I was truly blessed to be given the opportunity to create and raise this little man. With him I have an understanding that I didn't have with my daughter. I know that he is listening even when it seems he is not. Lucky for him I made most of my mistakes with his sister. I learned my style and fine tuned my beliefs and values in raising a child.

My journey has changed and been altered overtime but through it all one thing has remained the same and that is my great faith in a power greater than myself. Regardless of the changes this source has provided courage and strength. My life has a different shape and is over flowing with many blessings.