Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wow. I just continually neglect this blog. Fortunately I am not harming anyone in the process. It is funny how I come to this place when I am stepping towards change. The last time I posted it was all about that defining moment when I decided to move forward with my dream.

One more step towards that dream was attained. I have now become licensed in my profession. My last post speaks of loosing the knowledge I had attained. I learned that I hadn’t lost it. 2 weeks of refreshing and an hour of testing I am on my way to new opportunities. I hope.

My life is good. I still don’t feel appreciated by my employer but that is something I have come to accept. I am just patiently waiting my opportunity to exit. I have a strong belief that I make this move with integrity. Today I can honestly say this place has been good to me. I have learned a lot. But, when the learning stopped I got bored.

I just spent 4 days in New York City. For this small town girl it was an intriguing trip. I likened it to D.C. but it wasn’t close. NYC is an island of its own. I don’t think I encountered many natives unless I was actually in class with them but I had a good time. I got to share this experience with my husband which was wonderful. I am so grateful I didn’t experience much prior to our marriage for every new exploration is that much sweeter that I share it with him.

My life just continues. There are some different things on the horizon. My daughter began high school this week. Each milestone for her ages me emotionally. My son has some health problems that aren't really health problems. I know it doesn't make sense to me either but when they start using words like specialist and surgery I get a bit skitzy. What I do with these things today is surrender them to that power greater than me. I know HP cannot make them all better and sometimes things dont turn out as I'd like them but they turn out, I live on, I cope and I feel. I grow and change as a result of those things.

I hope to return more regularly but for now I will say if your reading thanks.