More of my story, look here for my last entry about how it was
By the time I was 14 years old I had figured out that my mother really couldn’t stop me. I had complete control over what I did. By then I was far enough along in mydisease that I really could care less about discipline. I would “sleep out” in the summer and be gone all night. I was drinking and spending time with boys. I learned that year how to hitch hike and that was a new freedom. I would head out to the boulevard and there I would drink and I learned there were men that were interested in me.
That same year I met a guy who was making fireworks. We had a good time blowing stuff up. I took one of these fire crackers to party that night. We were all huddled together near the pay phones at a local convenience store. I thought it was a perfect time to scare everyone. I did more than scare some people. I blew a hole in a young women’s foot. There was blood everywhere and we were all basically in shock. Her friends rushed her to the hospital and I promptly got the hell out of there.
This is how it has always worked for me. I have never really been able to get away with anything and at the same time getting away with a lot. I think you must share this thinking disease with me to truly understand.
The next weekend I was sitting on the front lawn of my friend’s house and he was working on his blazer. Along drives this car, the breaks squeal and they throw it in reverse. There is that girl, I thought. At the same time she is screaming, “There is that girl”. She informed me that she had to have surgery and that her foot will never be the same. She told me the police wanted to talk with me and she gave me a card and left.
The rest of the story is just the horror that is being wrapped up in the justice system. An addict, undiagnosed. What this experience did for me was prepare me to live in the subculture I called home for many years. In this sub culture I called these coincidences Karma. And still today, I know HP intervened. Preparing me for the journey I was determined to walk. Today, Karma for me is a positive force in my life. Back then I didn’t see it as such.
Free Journey
Thursday, December 07, 2006
About Me
- Name: freedom14
- Location: Utah, United States
I am in my 30's, married with children. I am fortunate to experience a teenager and a toddler all at once. Can you sense the sarcasm here? I am very happy sharing my journey with these 3 souls, most of the time.
Previous Posts
- Insanity........At this moment I am suffering from...
- Happy Mother's Day!On this day I awoke to everyone...
- Reagan's 18!The year was 1992, it was nearly sprin...
- October 16, 197430 "something" years ago today I c...
- I sit here amazed still. On August 9, 2003 I marr...
- I'm back.....It has been quite sometime since I ch...
- Moving on…..When I began the journey to my educati...
- Wow. I just continually neglect this blog. Fortu...
- Wow! I haven’t updated for quite sometime. Life ...
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