Tuesday, May 23, 2006


So this is the topic that baffles me best for today. I have this great woman I tend to call my sponsor, but..... I hardly ever connect with her. We haven't worked a step, she is busy, I am busy, blah blah blah. I adore her, I strive to walk a similar journey only on different path.

I say this because I am very active in a 12 step fellowship. I sponsor women and you know if they dont call for a few days.........hmmm weeks. I call them. I care for them like family because Narcotics Anonymous is my family. This program loved me and trusted me when no one else would or could. How can I not give that back to those who have come after me. Just because I am passionate about the fellowship and its components I dont expect that from my sponsor. I know she is my guide through the steps. I chose her based on her knowledge of the principles, the way I see her practicing these principles. The problem, I rarely see her. That is not to say she isn't in a meeting somewhere but she isn't in the meetings I go to. I have yet to work a step with her so I am not getting the fruits I anticipated. So do I find someone new?

I have looked. My area is drained. So many of us women with over 5 years are bombarded with women who need a sponsor. Most of the women I would have sponsor me are sponsored by me or someone I sponsor. How do those with accumulated clean time do this. I know this is not a Utah phenomenon. I already feel better just sharing it here in this forum. It is not simple to share this in a meeting as so many people know who my sponsor is and I wouldn't want to create drama in her life or her recovery.


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