Friday, March 03, 2006

Hi again internet.

I thought I would take a moment and express my love, my gratitude and my undying respect to the most amazing women to grace this planet. (If you dont feel this way about your grandmother, I am sorry)

My grandmother has always been my saving grace. As a young child growing up in a dysfunctional, single parent home, riddled with alcoholism; going to grandmothers house was always a pleasure. She would take me and treat as only a princess should be treated. We would shop and eat and get our hair done. Later we would cook something special. My husband and children should thank her for this. She would talk to me about religion, politics, the importance of voting and of course money management. For her generation she is quite different. She comes from a time when women stayed home to raise children. Not my grandmother... She worked in the cannery while grandfather was off to war, she worked for the railroad along side my grandfather and later when he retired she worked at Hill while HE yes HE was a stay at home dad to my youngest aunt. Talk about modern. :)

Today she turns 82 years old. She doesn't smoke, or drink or overspend. She is the epitomy of good sense. I hope one day to be just like her. I love you grandma and I hope everyday you know just how much your wisom and grace means to me. I hope you always know that it is you and your presence that maintained our family when we could not maintain ourselves.



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