Oh to think of all the places I have been. I went for a job interview yesterday. Can I just say it rocked.
Almost 8 years ago I came to this place that saved my life. I wanted to stay there forever. I was perfectly content living with a bunch of women attempting to get well. I loved the people who ran the place, I enjoyed the personal growth that occured in this place. I was happy happy happy. After 90 days they kindly told me it was time to fly. They gently lifted me to the wind and my wings strong in faith carried me places I only dreamed I'd go.
Over the years I have returned to my happy place where I got a fill for the journey I have walked. I was always able to go back to that time of fear and unsurity (is that how you spell it) I was unsure okay. I am filled with gratitude each time for the special gift that was so selflessly bestowed upon me. I usually get asked to come and share my experience, strength and hope. I always feel honored that these people want me to share what I have with women who are just like I was. I leave this place remembering exactly why I wanted to stay.
The call came early February, they wanted me to share what I have again. Only this time they want me to join their team. They want me to begin my journey of gently sending people down their own personal path. I have patiently in all my excitement let HP and the fantastic people at this place guide me. It has not happened instantly and it wont happen still for months but yesterday, April 25th I learned when the time is right (a few months) its mine!
Again this magical place is allowing my dreams to come true and now I can call it home (kind of) and I dont ever have to leave (unless I want to)
Thank you to all those who know me and have walked this path with me. Thank you to Reagan who suffered all those years as I gained my education in an attempt to better the future for you baby. Thank you to my dear husband that has stood by my side, supported me in every way and let me take the job of my dreams. Thank you to my beautiful Tanner who has no idea why his life is so blessed for coming into my life and giving me the opportunity to experience this miracle clean. Thank you HP and you know why.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
About Me
- Name: freedom14
- Location: Utah, United States
I am in my 30's, married with children. I am fortunate to experience a teenager and a toddler all at once. Can you sense the sarcasm here? I am very happy sharing my journey with these 3 souls, most of the time.
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