Tuesday, August 08, 2006


So it has been awhile since I actually put my thoughts out there. My parenting has changed. I have come to accept that my child is going to grow and change and become the beautiful, independent person she was meant to become. When I gave birth to her I held certain dreams, and fantasies for her. I wanted to give her so much more. I believe that is every parents desire. What I didn't understand is that my dreams might not be hers. There are many experiences we share and many activities we both enjoy but ultimately her wishes are very different from mine. So I surrender. It is all I can do. I can support her in the direction that she walks and only hope that she finds happiness each step of the way.

I love this girl more than I ever thought I could love. I never knew love until the day I had her and she continues to teach me everyday that I can love just that much more. I am proud of her and all that she does and I hope that I send that message through my words and my actions. I want her to know that she is my light, my world, MY DREAM.


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