Friday, March 03, 2006

Silly Silly me.

It is almost as if just saying out loud "just for today" i gave myself permission to stop helping those people in my last entry. On the day that I chose to quit smoking.....again for the 8th time in 8 years I also gave up my committment to serve the NURO building. Now, I dont think not smoking had anything to do with my tolerance level. I am just sick of egos, everyone elses and MINE.

February 18th at 7:15 pm my mother and I smoked a cigarette and I haven't had one since...yet. Who knows I am not setting myself up to think this time I am stronger. Now the way I went about quiting this time was with a drug....huuuhhh I know I am a good addict to think a pill will fix me. Zyban, seemed to be a miracle. I wasn't too grouchy, I wasn't eating everything I could touch and swallow. All was well. Then Presidents day I break out in what I define as hives. Big.Fat.Itchy Welts all over my arms, legs, ankles, and neck. I call the Dr. on Tuesday and they proceed to tell me to stop taking the medicine. Which I do.. When they call back to tell me I can not take anymore Zyban and there is nothing else this doctor will prescribe I swiftly make a complete ass of myself. I ask this medical professional if there is anyway I can keep take this drug (that I am allergic to) so long as I take benadryl to counteract the effects? The trained professional proceeds to inform me that this might be a problem when my throat closes up and I can no longer breathe.

SO, since February 21st I have not ingested any chemicals other than caffiene. Internet be very afraid.

Just For Today


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