My strength is the result of living my values.
It is interesting that this is the final line in the Just for Today, today. I spent yesterday evening at a cancer support group with a very dear friend. It was therapeutic in the emotional, spiritual sense. We did make up, tried on wigs and found places to find the coolest scarves. This is something we have discussed doing for a while. I have felt since her initial diagnosis that she should get involved with others sharing this experience. She thought… probably not. Then the opportunity for this very cool class call “Look Good….Feel Better” came along and she asked me to go with her. It was inspiring, it was fun and I feel all gooshy and emotional today.
The thing about this friend is that although she has walked this journey not making the same choices I would have made. She has walked this journey with the most dignity and grace I have ever seen. She has never played the “I have cancer card”. When she was sick, she was sick and wouldn’t lie about it or impose on anyone about it. She has held true to her commitments in life, she lived the values us in recovery share. She has taught me that it is not about the illness but about the recovery. She had her last chemotherapy three weeks ago and may of us rejoice! It has been suggested by medical professionals that she continue with some other therapy.
My emotional response was do it! I want you here I love you and I don’t want to wonder what if. I found myself promptly (with in hours) calling to humbly make amends. I reacted emotionally. I discounted her feelings and her choices. I didn’t stop to look at how she has carried herself (with HP) through this journey that she knows what more she can take or is willing to take. So amends I did make.
This has been a journey unlike any other. I grow closer and closer to this woman and I fall more and more in love with her inner self. Please say a little prayer, or whatever you do to let her continue to regain her health and add years to the time we will be friends.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
About Me
- Name: freedom14
- Location: Utah, United States
I am in my 30's, married with children. I am fortunate to experience a teenager and a toddler all at once. Can you sense the sarcasm here? I am very happy sharing my journey with these 3 souls, most of the time.
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