Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It is funny how I end up in situations that prepare me for others….

I call these events “God” things. For these things I am grateful.

I was sitting at my friend’s place of employment where they introduce addicts to recovery. Today, there was just one client there and so we all chatted casually for a while. We were reminiscing about what it was like to go to our first meeting and talking about that first “event” we attended. We talked about what it felt like and how others in the room made us feel welcome. So much so that we tried again, again and again. Until now, the program is my life. The people who I share my life with are all addicts and I don’t think twice about walking into a room or going to an event. In fact, I am so comfortable today with the fellowship that even in another place, city or state I find the same comfort.

For this I am grateful. I am so thankful to not be alone. To know enough about me that I find comfort wherever I go. I am thankful to know enough about addicts to know their all the same in a different kind of way.

I state my gratitude for the fellowship, for recovery, for God first. With out these things I would not have my family, my job, my sanity, my serenity, my life.

I am grateful to my husband for always providing, for keeping me centered and not letting me overspend. I am grateful for his love, his touch and our routine. I am so grateful that I can count on him. We “dance” so well together that life is simple and manageable and joyful.

I am grateful to my daughter. She is my precious gift. That sweet soul that was sent to balance me, to try me and to teach me. I am so grateful that when I set out to raise an independent, free thinker that is what I have. As frustrating as it can be one day she is going to achieve amazing things. She loves deep and expresses her feelings. She shares her life with me. I am so grateful for her openness.

I am grateful for my son. My miracle. The gift I didn’t know I wanted. And he just keeps giving and giving and giving. I am so grateful he can communicate with me today and he can tell me “I hurt”, or “I happy”. I am grateful for his animated looks and faces that he makes. It is those looks that tell me he’s confused. He will say “I happy” with a frown or smile and say “I hurt”. He is such a joy and I am learning even more about me as result of loving him.

Thank you to HP. Once again none of this is possible with out my faith to rely on God. It is that faith that provides me the strength to stay clean and in recovery. It is only with recovery that I am able to have all those things for which I am grateful.

Happy Thanksgiving


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